During the webinar we're talking about prerequisites for the transition to digital learning and share practical tips that other countries could take over from the practice of Estonia as a digital country to support schools and students in the transition to digital learning. What is more, we're introducing Ed-Tech's first challenges, obstacles and lessons learned from the transition to remote digital learning.
The current lineup of speakers:
- Mart Laidmets is the Secretary-General of Education and Research of Estonia from January 2019. Previously, he has been a member of the board of the Foundation Innove and served as the Deputy Secretary-General of General Education at the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia.
- Kristel Rillo is the Head of Digital Education at the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia. She coordinates and creates synergies for the development of digital skills and competences at all levels in Estonia.
- Birgit Lao is CEO of Foundation Innove, which is an education competence center that coordinates and promotes general and vocational education activities. Also, she is one of the main spokespersons of Education Nation which provides Estonian education best practices to the world - consulting, training, digital solutions, etc.
- Tanel Keres has a background in the public sector in the field of finance and education. The last 3,5 years he has has been acting as the head of eKool AS, which is the owner and administrator of the school management system eKool (eSchool).
- Antti Rammo is the founder and CEO of Star Cloud, the company developing Opiq (opiq.ee). Antti has been working in the educational content industry for the last 17 years. Opiq has become one of the leading digital learning environments used by most schools in Estonia.
The webinar is organized by Education Nation which is an Estonian initiative to share our educational knowledge. Estonia has top education results (no 1 in PISA in Europe) and is known for its e services. We aim to share the experience with the world.
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